Lessons are available 24/7 on your PC, Mac, Smartphone or Tablet

comprehensive video lessons


You will see that the course is laid out in a logical and interesting manner, with lots of photographs, diagrams and sketches to help you to visualise what you are learning. Each lesson is narrated, explaining everything you need to know throughout the video. You can watch part of a lesson and pause, or watch several lessons in one session if you wish. And each one has downloadable notes with plenty of additional detail.

technology v3


As you would expect from a state-of-the-art course, you can watch your lessons on a Smartphone, Mac, Tablet or PC.

Our technology platform will automatically analyse your internet speed and the device you're using, then stream the best quality video available to you.

You can pause, rewind and even speed up or slow down the video. And you can re-watch as many times as you wish - great for learning and revision.

Dental nurse video training

Comprehensive video lessons for every topic. Pause, rewind and rewatch as much as you want. You have up to 2 year’s access to the online video library and all Dental Nurse Academy facilities, so you can learn at your own pace. Viewing is easy: just log in and choose a lesson.  The videos are 15-30 minutes long, making them easy to digest.

Free Sample Video

Featuring clips from 3 different lessons, watch this sample video absolutely free and see for yourself just how easy it is.

download notes

Downloadable Notes

Downloadable notes accompany each video. Available as high-quality PDF documents, the notes include images from the lessons as well as written summaries. 

Write your own comments or annotate the download notes and see detailed explanations from the lessons.

Not only do the notes help you learn by complementing the videos, but they are an excellent revision aide as well, helping you prepare for the exams.

welcome pack


Once your application has been endorsed by your employer, we send a DNA Welcome Pack to you that contains all the information and stationery that you will need for the course.

The pack explains, step-by-step, how to use the course material and includes mini-tests (mulitple choice questions) for each lesson. This is a great way to monitor your own progress and see how you are doing as you go.

A 5-star review from Milagro, Oxfordshire

“The videos with all the explanations are great, the way in which the course is divided by lessons is intuitive, you also have downloadable notes for each lesson with more information and images. The workbook really helped me to carry out the tests and also the online tests of each module, it is so complete that you do not need to look for information or other tests from other web pages. All this helped me to pass my exams, feeling prepared and confident at all times."


A 5-star review from Supriya, Bournemouth

“They are extremely friendly and professional. The videos gave me flexibility to work around my family"


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