Dental Nurse Academy Terms and Conditions
Access to and use of this site and all related material is provided by The Dental Nurse Academy subject to the following Terms and Conditions.
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions which take effect on the date which you first use the site. You may not use the site if you do not agree to these terms and conditions.
You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this site by any third party.
Such restriction or inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful, or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person and the transmission of obscene or offensive content or disruption of the normal flow of dialogue within this site. You further agree to review these terms and conditions which form our agreement to be aware of modifications that The Dental Nurse Academy may make at any time and without notice. Continued use is deemed to be conclusive acceptance of all modified terms and conditions.
Contact Information
Dental Nurse Academy
Biddenham Close House
47 Church End
MK40 4AS- Email:
- [email protected]
- Telephone:
- 020 4591 2333
- Website:
- “Access” or “Accessing” means accessing, using, viewing content or otherwise obtaining information on the Site, in training videos, from the notes or any other material provided by The Dental Nurse Academy.
- “Agreement” or “Terms” refers to these Terms and Conditions and any subsequent modifications.
- “Candidate”, “client”, "learner", "apprentice" or “trainee” means any person enrolled on The Dental Nurse Academy training course
- “Course” unless indicated elsewhere refers to the course prepared by the authors for use with The Dental Nurse Academy training videos and other media. It includes all material associated with this course issued by The Dental Nurse Academy including all online library materials. This applies to diploma and apprenticeship courses.
- “DNA” refers to The Dental Nurse Academy.
- “Licence” refers to a Subscriber who purchases a licence to use the facilities of The Dental Nurse Academy referred to herein.
- “Subscriber” refers to any person or entity that purchases or uses a licence to use all, or part, of The Dental Nurse Academy training course.
- “User” refers to any party who accesses the Site.
- “Website” or “Site” refers to the website maintained on the World Wide Web by The Dental Nurse Academy.
- “You” or “Your” refers to the User.
Statement of Truth
By completing the application form, you are making a statement of truth that:
- You are in employment as a trainee/apprentice dental nurse or intending to be in employment as a trainee/apprentice dental nurse.
- You are not on the Criminal Records Register (i.e. you have a current DBS certificate)
- You will undertake the Dental Nurse Academy course with the diligence necessary to assimilate the training materials.
- You will complete the tests after each section, and complete to the best of your ability all required coursework (Record of Experience / Portfolio of Experience).
- You believe that your literate and numerate skills are satisfactory to be successful in the National Diploma in Dental Nursing or Level 3 Integrated Apprenticeship awarded by the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN).
- You undertake this course with the full knowledge, consent and support of the dental practice where you are working or intend to work.
- You will abide by all GDC rules and regulations (as laid down in their standards) see
- You have read the GDC guidance “Student Fitness to Practise” either here or on the GDC website, and will follow the guidelines prescribed.
- You have access to the internet and broadband in order to undertake your course.
Anyone found to falsify any of the above statements may be expelled from the course and may forfeit their fee.
Course Commencement
Diploma students:
The Dental Nurse Academy course start date is the date that the user is enrolled. Access to the course is immediate. We require employers to confirm support of their learners within a 30 day period from the date of joining or from the date that they receive notification that their student is on our course. The course is expected to last up to 2 years from commencement or on successful completion of the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing, whichever is the sooner.
The Dental Nurse Academy learning start date is defined in your Apprenticeship Agreement (the contract you sign before commencement). The course duration is also defined as part of this agreement. -
Equal Opportunities
The Dental Nurse Academy aims to provide equality of opportunity for all without hindrance because of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or socio-economic background.
Student Recruitment Policy
Providing the above requirements are met in 3) above ("Statement of Truth"), and providing the student agrees to the terms and conditions printed herein, any student is welcome and eligible to partake in a DNA course without any disadvantage due to race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or socio-economic background.
Apprenticeship eligibility requirements as defined by the UK Government apply for apprenticeship applications.Individual learning needs are always respected and students are encouraged to raise doubts about any aspect of the course such as the topics, assignments or examination technique. Students can seek general guidance throughout the programme. Students are also appointed a personal tutor who will work with the student to endeavour that the student remains on track with coursework designated achieve the relevant qualification.
The Dental Nurse Academy hereby grants each Subscriber a single limited, non-exclusive licence to access either a nominated part of the DNA training course (“Part Member”) or the entire content and information available on the website and in the training course according to the provisions contained herein (“Full Member”), and subject to the payment of the applicable subscription fees and adherence to these Terms. This license is for the sole use of the candidate specified in the application form and is neither transferable nor able to be sublicensed. The duration of the licence will last for up to two years, and must be surrendered at the end of the two year period or after completion of the examination for the Diploma in Dental Nursing, whichever is the earlier.
The Dental Nurse Academy hereby grants each apprentice a single limited, non-exclusive licence to access the entire content and information available on the website and in the apprenticeship course according to the provisions described in the apprenticeship agreement, subject to the payment of the applicable employer fee contribution and adherence to these Terms. This license is for the sole use of the apprentice specified in the apprenticeship agreement and is neither transferable nor able to be sublicensed. The duration of the licence will last up to the learning end date as defined in the apprenticeship agreement, and must be surrendered at the end of the period or after completion of the End Point Assessment (EPA) whichever is the earlier. -
Fees, Renewals and Refund Policy
The Dental Nurse Academy may alter the fee structure at any time. Notice will be given on the website and by email to all relevant users. Once a course has commenced the licence fee for that student on that course will not change. All current fees are published on the website. They do not include any fees that may be levied for sitting the NEBDN exam or any physical visits that the user decides to make for the benefit of progression. This will include but is not limited to a mock examination held in physical premises. Any online mock examination is included within the fee scale.
Renewals of a licence after a two year expiry (for Diploma students) may be made at the rate appertaining at the time.
In the initial membership period of 30 days, anyone applying in writing will be eligible for a full refund (less £50 administration fee). On acceptance to the course and after payment has either been made or committed to be made, no refunds will be possible. Even if the user decides not to sit for the examination leading to the Diploma in Dental Nursing within the two year period, the user may still access the training course.
Completing the application form, beginning payment or receiving written employer undertakings bind the subscriber to the agreement with The Dental Nurse Academy.
Apprentices must ensure that their employer fulfils any and all fee contribution obligations before the Learning Start Date.
It is the responsibility of any student registered on our course to provide and maintain accurate contact information, to work through the learning materials provided, and to contact us immediately if there is any reason why the course cannot be undertaken. Failure to engage with the DNA does not give grounds or trigger eligibility for a refund.
All members must settle their DNA membership fees in full (including the payment of all monthly instalments i.e. those due before, during and after the exam date) in order to receive their National Diploma certificate. -
NEBDN exam fees are administered by The Dental Nurse Academy and are additional to the course fees.
Apprenticeship is a 'fully funded' course. Any associated fees are described in the apprenticeship agreement. Resit/Retake fees are not included and all associated costs must be borne by the Employer.
NEBDN reserves the right to change its fees at any time.
National Diploma in Dental Nursing Exam and registration fee: £525.
If a student fails an exam or wishes to defer please see below for the associated costs:
ROE transfer from one course provider to the Academy: £200 (within 14 days)
ROE transfer from one course provider to the Academy: £525 (after 14 days)
Written exam deferral: £50 (first time)
Written exam deferral: £100 (repeat)
Written exam resit fee: £150
Written exam deferral fee: £150 (if deferred within 5 weeks of planned exam)
Reinstatement of withdrawn written exam student: £525
OSCE resit fee: £300
OSCE exam deferral fee: £150 (if deferred within 5 weeks of planned exam)
Late NEBDN deferral fees also apply.
Resits for the Apprenticeship Knowledge Test: £35
End Point-Assessment: Structured Clinical Assessment Re-Sit: £600
End Point-Assessment: Structured Clinical Assessment Re-Take: £600
NEBDN policy notes:
1 Learners can take a maximum of three Knowledge Test resits after which they must begin the course again
2 Fees are not refundable and not transferrable between Learners
3 Learners can take a maximum of three Structured Clinical Assessment resits after which they will be recommended for a re-take
4 The EPA re-take fee will be charged if the Learner fails the Structured Clinical Assessment three times and it is necessary for parts of the on-programme course to be re-visited before the EPA can be attempted again. Learners can take a maximum of one re-take before they must begin the programme again from registration. -
Appeals Policy
If the student is refused access to join the course, the student may appeal in writing within 30 days with an endorsement from their employer. The DNA will then seek guidance from the NEBDN and will report all communication within 14 days of the end of communication with the NEBDN. The decision taken will then be regarded as final, unless a change of circumstances comes to light that materially affects the decision.
Undertakings of the User’s Employer
A condition of being accepted to the course is that the license holder’s employer is in full support of the application. This includes agreeing to respond to correspondence within the thirty day trial period, ensuring that the student is competent in writing and numeracy to qualify to sit the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing examination, and will be given full support and training to enable Personal Records of Experience / Portfolio of Evidence to be completed at the place of work, and all help provided to ensure the learning outcomes in the clinical domain are positive. Employers are also required to complete a comprehensive Induction (in line with GDC and NEBDN requirements) within 6 weeks of the start date.
When a student purchases a license to study on the course without the support of an employer, the student will not be entitled to Records of Experience / Portfolio of Evidence as that is part of the training for the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing / Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing and registration requires that the student is in dental nurse training employment. For Diploma students, as soon as employer support is received and the DNA has registered the licensee with the NEBDN access to Records of Experience will be provided. For apprentices access to the Portfolio of Evidence will be provided in line with the timings defined in the apprenticeship agreement.
Maintenance and Repairs
From time to time it may be necessary to complete maintenance or repairs, or to make site improvements or change forms of communication. This will be done as quickly as possible and with the intention of minimising course disruption.
Course Format, Scheduling and Materials
Although DNA will take all reasonable precautions to maintain the structure of the course, DNA reserves the right to change or alter any aspect of the course without notice. In virtually all cases this will arise due to a syllabus change or because it is considered by DNA to be in the best interests of the majority of DNA students.
DNA undertakes to maintain and monitor a suitable standard of training provided to students at all times. All training materials will be appropriate to the course.
All rights, including copyright and database right, in The Dental Nurse Academy website and its contents, are owned by or licensed to The Dental Nurse Academy, or otherwise used by The Dental Nurse Academy as permitted by applicable law.
In accessing The Dental Nurse Academy web pages and training facilities, you agree that you will access the contents solely for your own private use but not for any commercial or public use.
Except as permitted above, you undertake not to copy, store in any medium (including in any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, broadcast, modify, or show in public any part of The Dental Nurse Academy‘s website, intellectual property or learning materials provided by the Dental Nurse Academy including but not limited to: Welcome Pack, Introduction Book, Video Lessons, Downloadable Notes, Lesson Tests, Module Tests, Practice Exam, Mock Exam, Exam Guidance, Induction Certificate, Workbook and all assets available on the website, including the website itself and all associated system, without the prior written permission of The Dental Nurse Academy or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Privacy Policy and Data Protection Act
The Dental Nurse Academy values your business, but it values your trust even higher. With respect to that responsibility all employees are required to adhere to ethical standards in gathering, using, and safeguarding any information you provide. For more information, please review The Dental Nurse Academy’s Privacy Policy, the terms of which are incorporated into this Agreement as if they appear here in full. Please note that it is a condition of membership that Details Of Membership including study details may be disclosed to an employer or prospective employer.
Limited Warranties and Liability
This site and the information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons regarding or relating to The Dental Nurse Academy, its products and services (or to third party products and services), is provided "AS IS" and on an "IS AVAILABLE" basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.
In no event will The Dental Nurse Academy be liable for any damages including, without limitation, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use, data, or profits, whether in action of contract, negligence or other action in tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the site or the course.
The Dental Nurse Academy does not warrant that the functions contained in the material contained in this site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the materials.
Law and Jurisdiction
If any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these Terms and Conditions are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction which that Term or Condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from this clause and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
If these Terms and Conditions are not accepted in full, you do not have permission to access the contents of this website and therefore should cease using this website immediately.Effective Date: January 1st 2025